Developer's Guide
Integration Process
SUNRATE is committed to providing global enterprises with safe and efficient global payment and treasury management solutions.
This document is used to illustrate the standard API integration process to ensure your implementation project runs smoothly.
1. Read the Developer's Guide and API Documentation
Before confirming to integrate with SUNRATE API, we recommend that you read the Developer’s Guide and API Documentation to understand the product capabilities and workflow.
2. Talk with us about your business scenarios and requirements
Let us know about your business scenarios and requirements through your dedicated account manager at SUNRATE, or leave your enquiry via [Contact Us] page.
Our Product and Tech team will be happy to set up some time for solution consulting and project planning.
3. Test in the UAT environment
We will provide you with configuration document before setting up for testing. You will need to provide information such as your IP address (for whitelisting), public key, callback address, etc.
UAT configuration will be completed within 1~3 working days after we have received your response. You’ll then be able to start testing the in-scope APIs in the UAT environment.
4. Sign off before going live
Pre-launch testing will be necessary for us to move you into the Production environment.
5. Go live!
After projects are signed off, we will provide you with configuration document for production environment.
Once your production configuration is complete, feel free to make your first live API call!
Technical support will be available throughout your API integration journey with us, even after going live.
1. Security Solution
Randomly generate a 16-character string as an AES private key and encrypt operational parameters using AES encryption in base64 format. Place this under the requestBody parameter and exchange it for RSA public key. Use SUNRATE’s RSA public key to encrypt the AES private key encoded in base64 and place it under the ‘key’ parameter. Lastly, order all public messaging parameters in ascending order, and concatenate using key=value&key=value (excluding null values). Use your own RSA private key to encrypt in base64 and place the signature value under the ‘sign’ field.
Once you’ve received the response parameters, similarly, encrypt them as mentioned above, using the SUNRATE public key to authenticate and using the SUNRATE private key to decode and retrieve the AES private key. Use the AES private key to decode the operational parameters to retrieve the operational parameters.
Note: The RSA private key is 1024-bits.
1.1. Generate AES Private Key
Randomly generate 16-digit AES private key including alphanumeric values. See java sample code as follows:
String ramStr = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16);
1.2. Parameter Encryption
Encrypt AES parameters and encoded in base64. Place it in the request body. See java sample code as follows:
String dataEn = AesUtils.encrypt(data, ramStr); |
public static String encrypt(String data, String key) { byte[] iv = new byte[]{0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF}; byte[] bytes = null; try { IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv); Key aKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")), "AES"); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CFB/NoPadding"); cipher.init(1, aKey, ivSpec); bytes = cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(bytes); } |
Vector Processing for non-Java languages,PHP Code Snippets:
// Encryption base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($str ,'aes-128-cfb', $key, OPENSSL_NO_PADDING, base64_decode('AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODw=='))); // Decryption openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($str) ,'aes-128-cfb', $key, OPENSSL_NO_PADDING, base64_decode('AAECAwQFBgcICQoLDA0ODw==')); |
// List Format [\x00,\x01,\x02,\x03,\x04,\x05,\x06,\x07,\x08,\x09,\x0A,\x0B,\x0C,\x0D,\x0E,\x0F] // String Format \x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F |
1.3. Encrypt AES Key
Use SUNRATE’s RSA public key to encrypt the 16-digit private key and encode it in base64 format before placing it under the ‘key’ field.
1.4. Add Signature
Add a signature to the public messaging parameters. Remove the sign field from all non-empty parameters and order them alphabetically in ascending order, using the key=value&key=value format to generate a string, and use your own RSA private key to add a signature. (Signature algorithm: SHA256WithRSA), encode in base64 and place under the ‘sign’ field. See a sample of the resultant encrypted string as follows:
appId=11111111&ip= yJ3lLikX31gkoNviZx/A6TlD9aEsQm/a5X3V+ZjrYyZ1iT2ovOoHGSeFYUafxH989JUq8G+WWzFtYlTraGSP/ jYAGwFuSrFUSMJElUbi2lHQ=&msgId=2018081845685246791352 &requestBody=NTRLbW1GNEFXajIxUGpPQ29BbVFUNXlCWVhhem1lSlFTT3BCZldXUVRRSTJtOWZHOXZW Tkw1c1Y0aWo2TTFsQVg0S0F3WkpnR3Zqd1owdlV1OElnc3dTWnN0T2ppTlBORE5qa053 ×tamp=2019-08-13 10:23:01.475&version=1.0
API Overview
1. Network Protocol
Type |
Description |
Network Protocol |
Request Method |
Data Format |
application/json |
Character Encoding |
UTF-8 |
2. API List
Module |
Name |
Endpoint |
Onboarding |
Submit KYC |
/openapi/v3/register/create/ |
Receive KYC status update |
Provided by client |
Update KYC |
/openapi/v3/register/modify/ |
Query KYC |
/openapi/v3/register/get/ |
Virtual Accounts |
Apply for a virtual account |
/openapi/v3/globalCollectionAccount/create/ |
Receive virtual account status update |
Provided by client |
Update virtual account application |
/openapi/v3/globalCollectionAccount/modify/ |
Query virtual account |
/openapi/v3/virtAcctApply/get/ |
Query virtual accounts |
/openapi/v3/virtAcctApply/list/ |
Collections |
Receive fund arrival notice |
Provided by client |
Receive collection status update |
Provided by client |
Query collection details |
/openapi/v3/transin/globalCollectionAccount/get/ |
Query collections |
/openapi/v3/transin/globalCollectionAccount/list/ |
Recipients |
Create a recipient |
/openapi/v3/beneficiary/create/ |
Receive recipient status update |
Provided by client |
Update recipient |
/openapi/v3/beneficiary/modify/ |
Query recipient |
/openapi/v3/beneficiary/get/ |
Query recipients |
/openapi/v3/beneficiary/list/ |
Payouts |
Query exchange rate |
/openapi/v3/trade/queryPrice/ |
Create a payout |
/openapi/v3/trade/create/ |
Create a payout without quote |
/openapi/v3/trade/marketOrder/ |
Receive payout status update |
Provided by client |
Query payout |
/openapi/v3/trade/get/ |
Query payouts |
/openapi/v3/trade/list/ |
Download confirmation |
/openapi/v3/voucher/transFile/download/ |
Trade |
Get a quote |
/openapi/v3/fxquote/getSingleQuote |
Create a trade |
/openapi/v3/fxtxn/createFxTxn |
Get a rate |
/openapi/v3/fxquote/getSingleRefQuote |
Create a trade without quote |
/openapi/v3/fxtxn/marketFxTxn |
Settle a trade |
/openapi/v3/fxtxn/dealFxTxn |
Query trade |
/openapi/v3/fxtxn/getFxTxn |
Fund for trade |
/openapi/v3/acctbal/trans |
Query balance for trade |
/openapi/v3/acctbal/listAcctBal |
Book Transfers |
Create a transfer |
/openapi/v3/ transfer/create/ |
Query outward transfer |
/openapi/v3/ transfer/get/ |
Query outward transfers |
/openapi/v3/ transfer/listOut/ |
Query inward transfers |
/openapi/v3/ transfer/listIn/ |
Reporting |
Query balance |
/openapi/v3/balance/list/ |
Query statement |
/openapi/v3/acctFlow/query/ |
2. Public Messaging Format
2.1. Access Method
All SUNRATE’s APIs operate based on the HTTP client-server protocol. All API calls can be made by sending form data using the POST method.
2.2. Parameter Label
Label |
Description |
M |
Mandatory |
O |
Optional |
C |
Conditional |
2.3. Data Format
All request and response are to be of JSON format, encoded in UTF-8, with the content type as application/json
2.4. IP Whitelisting
Both Test and Production environments adopts IP Whitelisting. Please make sure to provide static IP addresses for whitelisting during onboarding phase.
2.5. Public Request Headers
Parameter Name |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Details |
appId |
String |
21 |
M |
Unique identifier of a client assigned by Sunrate |
msgId |
String |
21 |
M |
The request message ID |
bizId |
String |
21 |
O |
Business ID |
ip |
String |
15 |
M |
User’s browser IP address. |
version |
String |
5 |
M |
Endpoint version. Fixed value “1.0” |
callbackUrl |
String |
256 |
O |
timestamp |
String |
23 |
M |
Timestamp of request,formatted as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS" For example, 2008-08-08T08:08:08.888 |
key |
String |
16 |
M |
Private key value of 16-digit AES after encryption. The 16-digit AES key is to be generated randomly by merchant. |
sign |
String |
M |
Signature value |
requestBody |
String |
M |
Encrypted request body. Note: format the request in JSON before encryption. No restriction on max. length |
2.6. Public Response Parameters
Parameter Name |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Details |
msgId |
String |
21 |
M |
Serial number of response message. |
code |
String |
6 |
M |
Response code “000000” indicates a successful request. |
msg |
String |
128 |
M |
Response message |
timestamp |
String |
23 |
M |
Timestamp of response,formatted as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS" For example, 2008-08-08T08:08:08.888 |
key |
String |
16 |
M |
Private key value of 16-digit AES after encryption |
sign |
String |
M |
Signature value |
responseBody |
String |
M |
Encrypted response body. Refer to response parameters. |
API Documentation - Global Payments
This suite of APIs can be used to create a user account within SUNRATE and complete account verification to unlock the payment services SUNRATE provides.
1.1 Submit KYC(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.1.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique registration identifier assigned by client |
2. |
registerName |
String |
60 |
M |
Name of registrant |
3. |
registerEname |
String |
255 |
M |
Name of registrant in English |
4. |
userAlias |
Array |
O |
Alias of registrant |
5. |
registerEmail |
String |
60 |
M |
Unique email address used for registration. Email address cannot be re-used |
6. |
registerMobile |
String |
30 |
M |
Mobile number used for registration |
7. |
zoneNumber |
String |
6 |
O |
Default to +86 if not provided |
8. |
registerType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the type of onboarding entity 2:Business |
9. |
identityType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the identity of registrant 2:Authorised representative |
10. |
frontFilePath |
String |
255 |
C |
Mandatory when registrant is authorised representative |
11. |
behindFilePath |
String |
255 |
C |
Mandatory when registrant is authorised representative |
12. |
authFilePath |
String |
255 |
C |
Mandatory when registrant is authorised representative |
13. |
remark |
String |
255 |
O |
14. |
companyInfo |
C |
Mandatory when type of onboarding entity is business |
14.1. |
companyName |
String |
varchar(128) |
Business name |
14.2. |
companyNameEn |
String |
varchar(128) |
Business name in English |
14.3. |
registerCountryCode |
String |
2 |
M |
Country code of the country where the business is registered |
14.4. |
openAddress |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
Business address |
14.5. |
openAddressEn |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
Business address in English |
14.6. |
registerFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
File path for certificate of incorporation |
14.7. |
registerExtraFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
O |
File path for any additional business documents |
14.8. |
payCur |
String |
255 |
M |
Transaction currencies |
14.9. |
payMonthAmt |
Number |
M |
Projected monthly volume in USD |
14.10. |
tradeType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the type of business |
14.11. |
legalInfoList |
Array |
O |
14.11.1. |
legalUserAlias |
Array |
M |
Alias of legal person |
14.11.2. |
legalCarType |
String |
1 |
O |
Used to specify the type of ID document 2: Passport |
14.11.3. |
legalFrontFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
File path for front page of the ID document specified |
14.11.4. |
legalBehindFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
O |
File path for back page of the ID document specified |
14.12. |
shareholderInfoList |
Array |
O |
14.12.1. |
shareholderAlias |
Array |
M |
Alias of shareholder |
14.12.2. |
shareholderCardType |
String |
1 |
O |
Used to specify the type of ID document for shareholder 1: National ID 2: Passport |
14.12.3. |
shareholderFrontFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
File path for front page of the ID document specified |
14.12.4. |
shareholderBehindFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
O |
File path for back page of the ID document specified |
1.1.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
registerId |
String |
30 |
Unique registration reference number assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
Unique registration identifier assigned by client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
1.2 Receive KYC status update(SUNRATE -> Client)
Endpoint:Provided by client
1.2.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
registerName |
String |
60 |
M |
Name of the registrant |
2. |
registerEmail |
String |
60 |
M |
Email address used for registration |
3. |
registerMobile |
String |
30 |
M |
Mobile number used for registration |
4. |
registerStatus |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 1, 2 |
5. |
remark |
String |
128 |
O |
6. |
checkRemark |
String |
128 |
C |
Compliance review opinion when KYC is incomplete |
1.2.2 Response Parameters
1.3 Update KYC(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.3.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique registration identifier assigned by client |
2. |
registerName |
String |
varchar(60) |
M |
Name of registrant |
3. |
registerEname |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
Name of registrant in English |
4. |
registerType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the type of onboarding entity 1:Individual 2:Business |
5. |
identityType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the identity of registrant 1:Legal person 2:Authorised representative |
6. |
remark |
String |
varchar (255) |
O |
7. |
companyInfo |
C |
Mandatory when type of onboarding entity is business |
7.1. |
companyName |
String |
varchar(128) |
M |
Business name |
7.2. |
companyNameEn |
String |
varchar(128) |
M |
Business name in English |
7.3. |
registerCountryCode |
String |
2 |
M |
Country code of the country where the business is registered |
7.4. |
openAddress |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
Business address |
7.5. |
openAddressEn |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
Business address in English |
7.6. |
registerFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
File path for certificate of incorporation |
7.7. |
registerExtraFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
O |
File path for any additional business documents |
8. |
legalInfoList |
Array |
O |
8.1. |
legalUserAlias |
Array |
M |
Alias of legal person |
8.2. |
legalCarType |
String |
1 |
O |
Used to specify the type of ID document for legal person 1: National ID 2: Passport |
8.3. |
legalFrontFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
File path of front page of the ID document specified |
8.4. |
legalBehindFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
O |
File path for back page of the ID document specified |
9. |
shareHolderInfoList |
Array |
O |
9.1. |
shareholderAlias |
Array |
M |
Alias of shareholder |
9.2. |
shareholderCardType |
String |
1 |
O |
Used to specify the type of ID document for shareholder 1: National ID 2: Passport |
9.3. |
shareholderFrontFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
M |
File path for front page of the ID document specified |
9.4. |
shareholderBehindFilePath |
String |
varchar(255) |
O |
File path for back page of the ID document specified |
1.3.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
Unique registration identifier assigned by client |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
1.4 Query KYC(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.4.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique registration identifier assigned by client |
1.4.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
Unique registration identifier assigned by client |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
registerName |
String |
60 |
Name of registrant |
4. |
registerEname |
String |
255 |
Name of registrant in English |
5. |
registerMobile |
String |
30 |
Mobile number used for registration |
6. |
zoneNumber |
String |
6 |
International dialing code of the mobile number |
7. |
registerType |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 2:Business |
8. |
identityType |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 2:Authorised representative |
9. |
remark |
String |
255 |
10. |
status |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:KYC is complete, account has been verified |
11. |
companyInfo |
11.1. |
companyName |
String |
varchar(128) |
Business name |
11.2. |
companyNameEn |
String |
varchar(128) |
Business name in English |
11.3. |
registerCountryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code of the country where business is registered |
11.4. |
openAddress |
String |
varchar(255) |
Business address |
11.5. |
openAddressEn |
String |
varchar(255) |
Business address in English |
12. |
legalInfoList |
Array |
12.1. |
legalUserAlias |
Array |
Alias of legal person |
12.2. |
legalCarType |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 1, 2 1: National ID 2: Passport |
13. |
shareHolderInfoList |
Array |
13.1. |
shareholderAlias |
Array |
Alias of shareholder |
13.2. |
shareholderCardType |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 1, 2 1: National ID 2: Passport |
Receive real-time notification for inward transactions sent into virtual accounts, and retrieve transaction details.
1.5 Receive fund arrival notice(SUNRATE -> Client)
Endpoint: Provided by client
1.5.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
transinNoticeId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique inward transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by client |
4. |
bankCardNo |
String |
50 |
M |
Virtual account number |
5. |
sendAccountName |
String |
50 |
M |
Sender name |
6. |
transinCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of fund received |
7. |
transinAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of fund received |
8. |
availableAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
New available amount on the user account, equal to the amount of fund received |
9. |
sysTxnDate |
String |
10 |
M |
Date when fund is received |
10. |
noticeStat |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 2, 3 3: Funds have been credited to the user account since the sender has been verified and whitelisted |
11. |
remark |
String |
100 |
O |
1.5.2 Response Parameters
1.6 Receive collection status update(SUNRATE -> Client)
Endpoint: Provided by client
1.6.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
transinNoticeId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique inward transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
4. |
noticeStat |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 2, 3 2: Supporting documents are required for the funds to be credited into the user account 3: Funds have been credited to the user account since the sender has been verified and whitelisted |
5. |
transinFileStatus |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 1, 2 2: Supporting documents are insufficient, noticeStat will be 2 when transinFileStatus is 2 |
6. |
transinFileRemark |
String |
255 |
M |
transinFileRemark will be compliance review opinion when transinFileStatus is 2 |
1.6.2 Response Parameters
1.7 Query collection details(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.7.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
transinNoticeId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique inward transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
1.7.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
transinNoticeId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique inward transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
bankCardNo |
String |
50 |
M |
Virtual account number |
4. |
sendAccountName |
String |
50 |
M |
Sender name |
5. |
transinCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of fund received |
6. |
transinAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of fund received |
7. |
availableAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
New available amount on the user account, equal to the amount of fund received |
8. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
O |
Amount of processing fees charged by SUNRATE for the inward transaction |
9. |
transinDate |
String |
10 |
M |
Date when fund is received |
10. |
transinFileStatus |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the status of supporting documents. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 9 1: Supporting documents are sufficient for the funds to be credited into the user account 2: Supporting documents are insufficient and have to be supplemented 3: Supporting documents are under review 9: Supporting documents have not been provided |
11. |
status |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the status of the inward transaction. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 9 1:Inward transaction is under review 2:Inward transaction has been reviewed 3:Inward transaction has been approved, fund has been credited into the user account 9:Inward transaction is on-hold, additional supporting documents are required |
12. |
remark |
String |
100 |
O |
1.8 Query collections(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.8.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
startDate |
Date |
M |
Date after which fund is received |
2. |
endDate |
Date |
M |
Date before which fund is received |
3. |
pageNum |
Number |
500 |
M |
Count of pages, default to 1 if not provided |
4. |
pageSize |
Number |
100 |
M |
Count of records per page. Ranges from 1 to 100. Default to 20 if not provided |
5. |
cur |
String |
3 |
C |
Currency code for currency of fund received |
1.8.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
totalRecordNum |
Number |
- |
M |
Count of total records queried |
3. |
currentPageNum |
Number |
500 |
M |
Page number of current page |
4. |
currentPageSize |
Number |
100 |
M |
Count of records of current page |
5. |
list |
Array |
M |
5.1. |
transinNoticeId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique inward transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5.2. |
bankCardNo |
String |
50 |
M |
Virtual account number |
5.3. |
sendAccountName |
String |
50 |
M |
Sender name |
5.4. |
transinCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of fund received |
5.5. |
transinAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of fund received |
5.6. |
availableAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
New available amount on the user account, equal to the amount of fund received |
5.7. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
O |
Amount of processing fees charged by SUNRAET for the inward transaction |
5.8. |
transinDate |
String |
10 |
M |
Date when fund is received |
5.9. |
transinFileStatus |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the status of supporting documents. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 9 0: Submitted 1: Passed 2: Rejected 3: Under review 9: Not provided |
5.10. |
status |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the status of the inward transaction. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 9 0:Pending 1:Under review 2:Passed 3:Approved 9:Rejected |
5.11. |
remark |
String |
100 |
O |
This suite of APIs can be used to add, modify and retrieve recipients used in payouts. Once a recipient has been approved by SUNRATE, it cannot be modified, and a payout to this recipient can be initiated.
1.9 Create a recipient(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.9.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
countryCode |
String |
2 |
M |
Country code for country where recipient’s bank is located |
2. |
bankName |
String |
128 |
M |
Full name of recipient’s bank, include branch when possible |
3. |
routeType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the necessary recipient’s account information for a payment to be delivered to recipient 2: IBAN 3: SWIFT Code |
4. |
aba |
String |
9 |
C |
9-digit ACH routing number, mandatory when routeType is 1 |
5. |
iban |
String |
34 |
C |
IBAN, mandatory when routeType is 2 |
6. |
swiftcode |
String |
8、11 |
C |
SWIFT Code, mandatory when routeType is 3 |
7. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
28 |
M |
Recipient’s full bank account name |
8. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
60 |
M |
Recipient’s bank account number, equal to IBAN when routeType is 2 |
9. |
beneficiaryCountryCode |
String |
2 |
M |
Country code for country where recipient is registered |
10. |
cur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency code for currency of recipient’s bank account |
11. |
beneficiaryType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify type of recipient 1:Third-party bank accounts |
12. |
beneficiaryEntityType |
String |
1 |
O |
Used to specify type of recipient’s bank account 1:Business bank account |
13. |
beneficiaryAddr |
String |
55 |
M |
Recipient’s business address or residential address |
14. |
intermediarySwiftBic |
String |
8、11 |
O |
Intermediary bank Swift Code |
15. |
remark |
String |
255 |
O |
1.9.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
beneficiaryStatus |
String |
1 |
Status of recipient, only when beneficiaryStatus is 2, can a payout to recipient be created. Possible values: 0, 1, 2 1:Recipient has been approved 2:Recipient has been denied, additional information might be required |
4. |
countryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where recipient’s bank is located |
5. |
bankName |
String |
128 |
Full name of recipient’s bank |
6. |
routeType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify the necessary recipient’s account information for a payment to be delivered to recipient 1: ABA 2: IBAN 3: SWIFT Code |
7. |
aba |
String |
9 |
9-digit ACH routing number, mandatory when routeType is 1 |
8. |
iban |
String |
34 |
IBAN, mandatory when routeType is 2 |
9. |
swiftcode |
String |
8、11 |
SWIFT Code, mandatory when routeType is 3 |
10. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
28 |
Recipient’s full bank account name |
11. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
60 |
Recipient’s bank account number, equal to IBAN when routeType is 2 |
12. |
beneficiaryCountryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where recipient is registered |
13. |
cur |
String |
3 |
Currency code for currency of recipient’s bank account |
14. |
beneficiaryType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify type of recipient 1:Third-party bank accounts |
15. |
beneficiaryEntityType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify type of recipient’s bank account 1:Business bank account |
16. |
beneficiaryAddr |
String |
55 |
Recipient’s business address or residential address |
17. |
intermediarySwiftBic |
String |
8、11 |
Intermediary bank Swift Code |
18. |
remark |
String |
255 |
1.10 Receive recipient status update(SUNRATE -> Client)
Endpoint: Provided by client
1.10.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
4. |
beneficiaryStatus |
String |
1 |
M |
Status of recipient. Possible values: 1, 2 1:Recipient has been approved 2:Recipient has been denied, additional information might be required |
5. |
remark |
String |
varchar(100) |
C |
Reason for denial when beneficiaryStatus is 2 |
1.10.2 Response Parameters
1.11 Update recipient(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.11.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
char(10) |
M |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
countryCode |
String |
2 |
M |
Country code for country where recipient’s bank is located |
3. |
bankName |
String |
128 |
M |
Recipient’s bank name |
4. |
routeType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the necessary recipient’s account information for a payment to be delivered to recipient 1: ABA 2: IBAN 3: SWIFT Code |
5. |
aba |
String |
9 |
C |
9-digit ACH routing number, mandatory when routeType is 1 |
6. |
iban |
String |
34 |
C |
IBAN, mandatory when routeType is 2 |
7. |
swiftcode |
String |
8、11 |
C |
SWIFT code, mandatory when routeType is 3 |
8. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
28 |
M |
Recipient’s full bank account name |
9. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
60 |
M |
Recipient’s bank account number, equal to IBAN when routeType is 2 |
10. |
beneficiaryCountryCode |
String |
2 |
M |
Country code for country where recipient is registered |
11. |
cur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency code for currency of recipient’s bank account |
12. |
beneficiaryType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify type of recipient 1:Third-party bank accounts |
13. |
beneficiaryEntityType |
String |
1 |
O |
Used to specify type of recipient’s bank account 1:Business bank account |
14. |
beneficiaryAddr |
String |
55 |
M |
Recipient’s business address or residential address |
15. |
intermediarySwiftBic |
String |
8、11 |
O |
Intermediary bank Swift Code |
16. |
remark |
String |
255 |
O |
1.11.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
beneficiaryStatus |
String |
1 |
Status of recipient. Possible values: 0, 1, 2 1:Recipient has been approved 2:Recipient has been denied, additional information might be required |
4. |
countryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where recipient’s bank is located |
5. |
bankName |
String |
128 |
Recipient’s bank name |
6. |
routeType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify the necessary recipient’s account information for a payment to be delivered to recipient 1: ABA 2: IBAN 3: SWIFT Code |
7. |
aba |
String |
9 |
9-digit ACH routing number |
8. |
iban |
String |
34 |
9. |
swiftcode |
String |
8、11 |
SWIFT Code |
10. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
28 |
Recipient’s bank account name |
11. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
60 |
Recipient’s bank account number |
12. |
beneficiaryCountryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where recipient is registered |
13. |
cur |
String |
3 |
Currency code for currency of recipient’s bank account |
14. |
beneficiaryType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify type of recipient 1:Third-party bank accounts |
15. |
beneficiaryEntityType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify type of recipient’s bank account 1:Business bank account |
16. |
beneficiaryAddr |
String |
55 |
Recipient’s business address or residential address |
17. |
intermediarySwiftBic |
String |
8、11 |
Intermediary bank Swift Code |
18. |
remark |
String |
255 |
1.12 Query recipient(Client -> SUNRATE)
Endpoint: /openapi/v3/beneficiary/get/
1.12.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
1.12.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
char(10) |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
beneficiaryStatus |
String |
1 |
Status of recipient, only when beneficiaryStatus is 2, can a payout to recipient be created. Possible values: 0, 1, 2 0:Recipient has been submitted and will be reviewed 1:Recipient has been approved 2:Recipient has been denied, additional information might be required |
3. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
Business registration number of client |
4. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5. |
countryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where recipient’s bank is located |
6. |
bankName |
String |
varchar(128) |
Full name of recipient’s bank |
7. |
routeType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify the necessary recipient’s account information for a payment to be delivered to recipient 1: ABA 2: IBAN 3: SWIFT Code |
8. |
aba |
String |
9 |
9-digit ACH routing number |
9. |
iban |
String |
varchar (34) |
10. |
swiftcode |
String |
8、11 |
SWIFT code |
11. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
varchar(128) |
Recipient’s bank account name |
12. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
varchar(60) |
Recipient’s bank account number |
13. |
cur |
String |
3 |
Currency code for currency of recipient’s bank account |
14. |
beneficiaryAddr |
String |
varchar(255) |
Recipient’s business address or residential address |
15. |
remark |
String |
varchar(255) |
1.13 Query recipients(Client -> SUNRATE)
Endpoint: /openapi/v3/beneficiary/list/
1.13.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
pageNum |
Number |
500 |
M |
Count of pages, default to 1 if not provided |
2. |
pageSize |
Number |
100 |
M |
Count of records per page. Ranges from 1 to 100. Default to 20 if not provided |
1.13.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
totalRecordNum |
Number |
- |
Count of total records queried |
3. |
currentPageNum |
Number |
500 |
Page number of current page |
4. |
currentPageSize |
Number |
100 |
Count of records of current page |
5. |
list |
Array |
5.1. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5.2. |
beneficiaryStatus |
String |
1 |
Status of recipient, only when beneficiaryStatus is 2, can a payout to recipient be created. Possible values: 0, 1, 2 0:Recipient has been submitted and will be reviewed 1:Recipient has been approved 2:Recipient has been denied, additional information might be required |
5.3. |
countryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where recipient’s bank is located |
5.4. |
routeType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify the necessary recipient’s account information for a payment to be delivered to recipient 1: ABA 2: IBAN 3: SWIFT Code |
5.5. |
aba |
String |
9 |
9-digit ACH routing number |
5.6. |
iban |
String |
34 |
5.7. |
swiftcode |
String |
11 |
SWIFT code |
5.8. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
128 |
Recipient’s bank account name |
5.9. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
60 |
Recipient’s bank account number |
5.10. |
beneficiaryAddr |
String |
255 |
Recipient’s business address or residential address |
5.11. |
cur |
String |
3 |
Currency code for currency of recipient’s bank account |
5.12. |
beneficiaryRejectRemark |
String |
255 |
Reason for recipient denial when beneficiaryStatus is 2 |
5.13. |
intermediarySwiftBic |
String |
11 |
Intermediary bank for recipient’s bank |
5.14. |
beneficiaryType |
String |
1 |
Used to specify type of recipient 0:Recipient’s bank account holder is client themselves 1:Recipient’s bank account holder is not client themselves |
This suite of APIs can be used to initiate payments to bank accounts with SUNRATE’s global payment network, and to obtain real-time transaction status.
1.14 Query exchange rate(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.14.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
queryNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique query identifier assigned by client |
2. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
3. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
4. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify currency for txnAmt 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
5. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased when txnMode is 0, amount to be sold when txnMode is 1 |
6. |
tradeType |
String |
1 |
C |
Used to specify type of transaction, must be 0 if beneficiaryType is 0, must be 1 if beneficiaryType is 1, default to 0 if not provided 1:FX and payout to client’s own account |
7. |
feeType |
String |
3 |
C |
Used to specify the bearer of bank charges, default to SHA if not provided SHA: bank charges will be borne by client and recipient |
1.14.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
queryNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique query identifier assigned by client |
2. |
orgCode |
String |
9 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
4. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
5. |
buyAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased |
6. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
7. |
sellAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be sold |
8. |
feeCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of processing fee |
9. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of processing fee |
10. |
payAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Total amount to be deducted from user account |
11. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 0,1 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
12. |
queryRate |
Number |
9,4 |
M |
Exchange rate for the currency pair |
13. |
tradeType |
String |
1 |
C |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:FX and payout to client’s own account |
1.15 Create a payout(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.15.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
2. |
queryNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique query identifier assigned by client |
3. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
4. |
buyAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased |
5. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
6. |
sellAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be sold |
7. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of processing fee |
8. |
payAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Total amount to be deducted from user account |
9. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the currency for txnAmt 0:txnAmt is based on currency to be purchased 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
10. |
queryRate |
Number |
9,4 |
M |
Exchange rate for the currency pair, obtained from Query exchange rate |
11. |
valueDate |
String |
10 |
C |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
12. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
13. |
oboId |
String |
20 |
C |
Unique obo identifier assigned by SUNRATE, contact SUNRATE for details |
14. |
remark |
String |
Varchar(100) |
O |
Remittance information |
1.15.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
3. |
queryNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique query identifier assigned by client |
4. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
5. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
6. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
7. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
8. |
buyAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased |
9. |
sellAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be sold |
10. |
feeCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of processing fee |
11. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of processing fee |
12. |
payAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Total amount to be deducted from user account |
13. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
14. |
finRate |
Number |
9,4 |
M |
Exchange rate for transaction |
15. |
oboId |
String |
20 |
C |
Unique obo identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
16. |
remark |
String |
varchar(100) |
M |
Remittance information |
17. |
txnStatus |
String |
2 |
M |
Used to specify status of payout, possible values: 03, 09 09:Payout has been processed by SUNRATE |
1.16 Create a payout without quote(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.16.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
2. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
3. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
4. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify the currency for txnAmt 0:txnAmt is based on currency to be purchased 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
5. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased when txnMode is 0, amount to be sold when txnMode is 1 |
6. |
valueDate |
String |
10 |
C |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD, only T, T+1, T+2 can be accepted |
7. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
8. |
remark |
String |
varchar(100) |
O |
Remittance information |
9. |
tradeType |
String |
1 |
C |
Used to specify type of transaction, must be 0 if beneficiaryType is 0, must be 1 if beneficiaryType is 1, default to 0 if not provided 0:Payout to third=party recipient 1:FX and payout to client’s own account |
10. |
feeType |
String |
3 |
C |
Used to specify the bearer of bank charges, default to SHA if not provided OUR: bank charges will be borne by client SHA: bank charges will be shared by client and recipient |
1.16.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
3. |
orgCode |
String |
9 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
4. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
6. |
buyAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased |
7. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
8. |
sellAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased |
9. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
10. |
finRate |
Number |
9,4 |
M |
Exchange rate for transaction |
11. |
feeCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of processing fee |
12. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of processing fee |
13. |
payAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Total mount to be deducted from user account |
11. |
remark |
String |
varchar(100) |
O |
Remittance information |
14. |
txnStatus |
String |
2 |
M |
Used to specify status of payout, possible values: 03, 09 03:User account has sufficient balance for payout 09:Payout has been processed by SUNRATE |
1.17 Receive payout status update(SUNRATE -> Client)
Endpoint: Provided by client
1.17.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
payoutNoticeId |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout notification identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
3. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
4. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
5. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
6. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
varchar(20) |
M |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
7. |
beneficiaryName |
String |
varchar(100) |
M |
Recipient’s full bank account name |
8. |
beneficiaryAcctNo |
String |
varchar(30) |
M |
Recipient’s bank account number |
9. |
payCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sent |
10. |
payAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be sent |
11. |
payStatus |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify status of payer, possible values: 1, 9, 8 8:Payout is being processed 1:Payout has been processed by SUNRATE |
12. |
remark |
String |
100 |
O |
1.17.2 Response Parameters
1.18 Query payout(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.18.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
1.18.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
3. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
4. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
5. |
buyAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be purchased |
6. |
sellAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount to be sold |
7. |
feeAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Amount of processing fee |
8. |
payAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Total amount to be deducted from user account |
9. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
M |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
10. |
finRate |
Number |
9,4 |
M |
Exchange rate for transaction |
11. |
txnDate |
String |
10 |
M |
Date set for transaction, format: YYYY-MM-DD |
12. |
remark |
String |
varchar(100) |
O |
Remittance information |
13. |
txnStatus |
String |
2 |
M |
Used to specify status of payout, possible values: 03, 04, 05, 09, 20 03:User account has sufficient balance for payout 04, 05:Transaction is being processed 09:Payout has been processed by SUNRATE 20:Transaction has been canceled by client |
1.19 Query payouts(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.19.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
startDate |
Date |
M |
Date after which payout is created |
2. |
endDate |
Date |
M |
Date before which payout is created |
3. |
pageNum |
Number |
500 |
M |
Count of pages, default to 1 if not provided |
4. |
pageSize |
Number |
100 |
M |
Count of records per page. Ranges from 1 to 100. Default to 20 if not provided |
1.19.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
totalRecordNum |
Number |
- |
Count of total records queried |
3. |
currentPageNum |
Number |
500 |
Page number of current page |
4. |
currentPageSize |
Number |
100 |
Count of records of current page |
5. |
list |
Array |
5.1. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5.2. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
5.3. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be purchased |
5.4. |
buyAmt |
Price |
20 |
Amount to be purchased |
5.5. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be sold |
5.6. |
sellAmt |
Price |
20 |
Amount to be sold |
5.7. |
feeCur |
String |
3 |
Currency of processing fee |
5.8. |
feeAmt |
Price |
20 |
Amount of processing fee |
5.9. |
payAmt |
Price |
20 |
Amount to be sent |
5.10. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 0:txnAmt is based on currency to be purchased 1:txnAmt is based on currency to be sold |
5.11. |
finRate |
Price |
20 |
Exchange rate for transaction |
5.12. |
txnStatus |
String |
2 |
Used to specify status of payout, possible values: 03, 04, 05, 09, 20 03:User account has sufficient balance for payout 04, 05:Transaction is being processed 09:Payout has been processed by SUNRATE 20:Transaction has been canceled by client |
5.13. |
oboId |
String |
21 |
Unique obo identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5.14. |
oboName |
String |
128 |
Obo name |
5.15. |
oboCountryCode |
String |
2 |
Country code for country where obo is registered |
5.16. |
oboAddress |
String |
70 |
Business address of obo |
5.17. |
beneficiaryId |
String |
10 |
Unique recipient identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
1.20 Download confirmation(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.20.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by client |
3. |
voucherType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify type of confirmation, must be 1 |
4. |
subType |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify use of confirmation, must be 1 |
1.20.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
lockNo |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
4. |
txnNo |
String |
10 |
M |
Unique payout identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
5. |
filePath |
String |
128 |
M |
Path for document |
This suite of APIs can be used to book FX spot contracts within SUNRATE’s FX Management solutions and to manage the execution of the contracts.
1.21 Get a quote (Client -> SUNRATE)
1.21.1 Request Parameters
No |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
2. |
buyAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
M |
Amount to be purchased. Either buyAmt or sellAmt is mandatory |
3. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency to be sold |
4. |
sellAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
M |
Amount to be sold. Either buyAmt or sellAmt is mandatory |
5. |
valueDate |
String |
O |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Will be the date the request is made if not provided |
1.21.2 Response Parameters
No |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
prdId |
String |
6 |
Currency pair based on market convention |
2. |
quoteId |
String |
22 |
Unique quote identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
custRate |
String |
Exchange rate for the currency pair |
4. |
tenor |
Integer |
Count of days between value date and date the request is made |
5. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be purchased |
6. |
buyAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be purchased |
7. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be sold |
8. |
sellAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be sold |
9. |
validTill |
String |
Time when the quote is expired. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS |
10. |
valueDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
1.22 Create a trade(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.22.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outRefNo |
String |
Varchar(64) |
M |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by client |
2. |
quoteId |
String |
22 |
M |
Unique quote identifier assigned by SUNRATE obtained from Get a quote API |
1.22.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
String |
22 |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
prdId |
String |
6 |
Currency pair based on market convention |
3. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be purchased |
4. |
buyAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be purchased |
5. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be sold |
6. |
sellAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be sold |
7. |
custRate |
String |
Exchange rate for the currency pair |
8. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 |
9. |
valueDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
10. |
txnDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
1.23 Get a rate(Client->SUNRATE)
1.23.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
buyCur |
String |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
2. |
sellCur |
String |
M |
Currency to be sold |
3. |
valueDate |
String |
O |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Will be the date the request is made if not provided |
1.23.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
prdId |
String |
6 |
Currency pair based on market convention |
2. |
custRate |
String |
Exchange rate for the currency pair |
3. |
tenor |
Integer |
Count of days between value date and date the request is made |
4. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be purchased |
5. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be sold |
1.24 Create a trade without quote(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.24.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outRefNo |
String |
Varchar(64) |
M |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by client |
2. |
buyCur |
String |
M |
Currency to be purchased |
3. |
buyAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
3 |
M |
Amount to be purchased. Either buyAmt or sellAmt is mandatory |
4. |
sellCur |
String |
M |
Currency to be sold |
5. |
sellAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
3 |
M |
Amount to be sold. Either buyAmt or sellAmt is mandatory |
6. |
valueDate |
String |
O |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Will be the date the request is made if not provided |
1.24.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
String |
22 |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
prdId |
String |
6 |
Currency pair based on market convention |
3. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be purchased |
4. |
buyAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be purchased |
5. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be sold |
6. |
sellAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be sold |
7. |
custRate |
String |
Exchange rate for the currency pair |
8. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:Transaction amount is based on the amount of selling currency |
9. |
valueDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
10. |
txnDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
1.25 Settle a trade(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.25.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outRefNo |
String |
Varchar(64) |
M |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by client |
1.25.2 Response Parameters
Standard response, trade can be considered as settled once response is received.
1.26 Query trade(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.26.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outRefNo |
String |
Varchar(64) |
M |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by client |
1.26.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
String |
22 |
Unique transaction identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
quoteId |
String |
22 |
Unique quote identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
3. |
prdId |
String |
3 |
Currency pair based on market convention |
4. |
buyCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be purchased |
5. |
buyAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be purchased |
6. |
sellCur |
String |
3 |
Currency to be sold |
7. |
sellAmt |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
Amount to be sold |
8. |
custRate |
BigDecimal(9,4) |
Exchange rate for the currency pair |
9. |
txnDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
10. |
valueDate |
String |
Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
11. |
txnMode |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 1:Transaction amount is based on the amount of selling currency |
12. |
closeTime |
String |
Time of settlement or transaction cancellation. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS |
13. |
dealStatus |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 |
14. |
settleOptStatus |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 |
15. |
unwindOptStatus |
String |
1 |
Possible values: 0, 1 |
1.27 Fund for trade(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.27.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
cur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of the transfer |
2. |
amt |
String |
BigDecimal(15,2) |
M |
Amount of the transfer |
3. |
transType |
String |
3 |
M |
Used to specify direction of the transfer |
4. |
outRefNo |
String |
Varchar(64) |
M |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by client |
1.27.2 Response Parameters
Standard response, transfer can be considered as completed once response is received.
1.28 Query FX Management balance(Client -> SUNRATE)
1.28.1 Request Parameters
Standard Request Header
1.28.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
Array |
2. |
cur |
String |
3 |
Currency with available balance |
3. |
avlBar |
BigDecimal |
Available balance of the currency |
Book Transfers
This suite of APIs can be used to initiate like-for-like transfers sent to other SUNRATE user accounts and to retrieve details of such transfers. Book transfers can only be created with sufficient balance on user account to cover the transfer.
1.29 Create a transfer(Client -> SUNRATE)
Endpoint:/openapi/v3/ transfer/create/
1.29.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by client |
2. |
beneAcctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier of recipient’s user account |
3. |
beneAcctName |
String |
128 |
M |
Recipient’s user account name |
4. |
txnCur |
String |
3 |
M |
Currency of transfer |
5. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Transfer amount |
6. |
cause |
String |
1 |
M |
Used to specify purpose of payment 1:Payment to affiliate |
7. |
remark |
String |
128 |
O |
Message to recipient |
1.29.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
id |
String |
21 |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Transfer amount |
3. |
txnRealAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Amount to be received |
4. |
txnFee |
Number |
15,2 |
Processing fee amount borne by payer |
5. |
tTxnStatus |
String |
1 |
Used to specify transfer status. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0:Transfer has been submitted 1:Transfer has been approved 2:Transfer has been completed 3:Transfer has been canceled 4:Transfer has been denied 5:Transfer is being processed |
1.30 Query outward transfer(Client -> SUNRATE)
Endpoint:/openapi/v3/ transfer/get/
1.30.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
M |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by client |
1.30.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
payId |
String |
21 |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Client’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
4. |
acctName |
String |
128 |
Client’s user account name |
5. |
beneAcctId |
String |
8 |
Recipient’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
6. |
beneAcctName |
String |
128 |
Recipient’s user account name |
7. |
txnCur |
String |
3 |
Currency of transfer |
8. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Transfer amount |
9. |
txnRealAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Amount to be received |
10. |
txnFee |
Number |
15,2 |
Processing fee amount borne by payer |
11. |
remark |
String |
128 |
Message to recipient |
12. |
txnStatus |
String |
1 |
Used to specify transfer status. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0:Transfer has been submitted 1:Transfer has been approved 2:Transfer has been completed 3:Transfer has been canceled 4:Transfer has been denied 5:Transfer is being processed |
1.31 Query outward transfers(Client -> SUNRATE)
Endpoint:/openapi/v3/ transfer/listOut/
1.31.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
beneAcctId |
String |
8 |
O |
Recipient’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
2. |
start |
Number |
M |
Start position of records queried, equal to (page number to query-1) * limit |
3. |
limit |
Number |
M |
Count of records per page. Ranges from 1 to 100. Default to 20 if not provided |
4. |
startDate |
Date |
10 |
O |
Date after which transfer is created |
5. |
endDate |
Date |
10 |
O |
Date before which transfer is created |
1.31.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
payId |
String |
21 |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
outBizId |
String |
26 |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by client |
3. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Client’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
4. |
acctName |
String |
128 |
Client’s user account name |
5. |
beneAcctId |
String |
8 |
Recipient’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
6. |
beneAcctName |
String |
128 |
Recipient’s user account name |
7. |
txnCur |
String |
3 |
Currency of transfer |
8. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Transfer amount |
9. |
txnRealAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Amount to be received |
10. |
txnFee |
Number |
15,2 |
Processing fee amount borne by payer |
11. |
remark |
String |
128 |
Message to recipient |
12. |
txnStatus |
String |
1 |
Used to specify transfer status. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 0:Transfer has been submitted 1:Transfer has been approved 2:Transfer has been completed 3:Transfer has been canceled 4:Transfer has been denied 5:Transfer is being processed |
13. |
totalCounts |
Number |
Count of total transfers queried |
1.32 Query inward transfers(Client -> SUNRATE)
Endpoint:/openapi/v3/ transfer/listIn/
1.32.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
payAcctId |
String |
8 |
O |
Payer’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
2. |
start |
Number |
M |
Start position of records queried, equal to (page number to query-1) * limit |
3. |
limit |
Number |
M |
Count of records per page. Ranges from 1 to 100. Default to 20 if not provided |
4. |
startDate |
Date |
10 |
O |
Date after which transfer is created |
5. |
endDate |
Date |
10 |
O |
Date before which transfer is created |
1.32.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
1. |
beneId |
String |
21 |
Unique transfer identifier assigned by SUNRATE |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
Client’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
3. |
acctName |
String |
128 |
Client’s user account name |
4. |
payAcctId |
String |
8 |
Payer’s unique 8-digit user account identifier |
5. |
payAcctName |
String |
128 |
Payer’s user account name |
6. |
txnCur |
String |
3 |
Currency of transfer |
7. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Transfer amount |
8. |
txnRealAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
Amount to be received |
9. |
txnFee |
Number |
15,2 |
Processing fee amount borne by payer |
10. |
remark |
String |
128 |
Message to recipient |
11. |
totalCounts |
Number |
Count of total transfers queried |
API Documentation - VCC
2.1 Account
2.1.1 Query Card Wallet Balance
Response Parameters
None, {}
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
List of results |
List |
M |
Refer to “list” for details |
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
2. |
acctBal |
Account Balance |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
3. |
creditAmt |
Credit Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
C |
4. |
pendingAmt |
Pending Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
Funds that have been authorized but not settled. |
5. |
cardPendingAmt |
Pending Amount on card |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
C |
Used in mode 3 |
Note: Available Balance = acctBal + creditAmt – pendingAmt – cardPendingAmt
Response Sample:
"list": [
"ccy": "USD",
"acctBal": 17595.37,
"creditAmt": 0,
"pendingAmt": 7438.17,
"cardPendingAmt": 445
2.6.1 Query Account Records
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
txnDate |
Transaction Date |
Date |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd Supports account records lookup by any specific date |
2. |
pageInfo |
Page information |
Object |
M |
{ "current": "1", "size": "100" } |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
List of results |
List |
M |
Refer to “list” for details |
2 |
pageInfo |
Page information |
Object |
M |
{ "current": "1", "size": "100", "total": "1000" } |
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
jnlId |
Record ID |
String |
21 |
M |
2. |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
txnAmt |
Transaction Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
4. |
preBal |
Pre-transaction Balance |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
5. |
postBal |
Post-transaction Balance |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
6. |
txnType |
Transaction Type |
String |
2 |
M |
00-Transfer-In 01-Transfer-Out 10-Card Fee 11-Txn Fee 12-Refund Fee 13-Auth Fee 14-Chargeback Fee 20-Settlement 21-Refund |
7. |
cardId |
Card UID |
String |
19 |
C |
8. |
refNo |
Reference Number |
String |
64 |
C |
Chargeback ID |
9. |
createTime |
Transaction Time |
DateTime |
M |
Request Sample:
{ "txnDate": "2023-04-25", "pageInfo": { "current": "1", "size": "10" }}
Response Sample:
{ "list": [ { "jnlId": "AJ1650393936172350000", "ccy": "USD", "txnAmt": 10, "preBal": 885340.26, "postBal": 885350.26, "txnType": "00", "cardId": null, "refNo": "IO1650393935824230000", "createTime": "2023-04-24T14:59:11.879" }, { "jnlId": "AJ1650339628999450001", "ccy": "USD", "txnAmt": -1.56, "preBal": 885341.82, "postBal": 885340.26, "txnType": "20", "cardId": "1549952395537170000", "refNo": "F1637755936363580000", "createTime": "2023-04-24T11:23:24.039" } ], "pageInfo": { "total": 2, "size": 10, "current": 1}}
Query Wallet Balance
*Difference between 3.1.3 and 3.1.1 being that SUNRATE Wallet and SUNRATE Card Wallet holds separate balance. In this endpoint, clients are allowed to query the balance of their SUNRATE Wallet.
Request Parameters
None, {}
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
List of Results |
List |
M |
Refer to “list” for details |
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
2. |
currBal |
Current Balance |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
3. |
availableBal |
Current Available Balance |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
Response Sample:
"header": {
"msgId": "1658745293799104513",
"code": "000000",
"msg": "Success",
"timeStamp": "2023-05-17T16:04:30.696"
"list": [
"ccy": "AUD",
"currBal": 198375.06,
"availableBal": 198375.06
"ccy": "CAD",
"currBal": 21023.68,
"availableBal": 2396.68
Commit Transfer-in (From Wallet to Card Wallet)
Transfer Funds from SUNRATE Wallet into SUNRATE Card Wallet
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
M |
Internal reference number within requestor’s system. outTradeNo must be unique for each request. |
2. |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
amt |
Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
4. |
remark |
Remark |
BigDecimal |
255 |
M |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
tioJnlId |
Transaction ID |
String |
21 |
M |
SUNRATE transaction ID |
2. |
txnCcy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
txnAmt |
Amount |
String |
15,2 |
M |
4. |
txnType |
Type |
String |
2 |
M |
00 – Transfer in |
5. |
txnDesc |
Description |
String |
128 |
M |
6. |
txnStatus |
Status |
String |
1 |
M |
9 - Processing, 0 - Failed, 1 - Successful |
7. |
txnRemark |
Transaction Remark |
String |
255 |
M |
8. |
remark |
Remark |
String |
255 |
M |
9. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
O |
10. |
txnDate |
Transaction Date |
Date |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd |
11. |
createTime |
Creation Time |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
12. |
lastTime |
Last Updated Time |
Datetime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
Request Sample:
"header": {
"timeStamp": "2021-11-26T16:22:43.397",
"msgId": "1464147593092804609"
"outTradeNo": "0000000000000000",
"acctId": "95754185",
"ccy": "HKD",
"amt": "10",
"remark": "Transfer-In"
Response Sample:
"header": {
"msgId": "1658782860334587906",
"code": "000000",
"msg": "Success",
"timeStamp": "2023-05-17T18:33:47.256"
"tioJnlId": "IO1658782846782791681",
"txnCcy": "HKD",
"txnAmt": 10.00,
"txnType": "00",
"txnDesc": "Deposit from Wallet",
"txnStatus": "1",
"txnRemark": "Success",
"remark": "Transfer-In",
"outTradeNo": "0000000000000001",
"txnDate": "2023-05-17",
"createTime": "2023-05-17T18:33:44.026",
"lastTime": "2023-05-17T18:33:46.388"
Commit Transfer-out (From Card Wallet to Wallet)
Transfer Funds from SUNRATE Card Wallet into SUNRATE Wallet
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
M |
Internal reference number within requestor’s system. outTradeNo must be unique for each request. |
2. |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
amt |
Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
4. |
remark |
Remark |
BigDecimal |
255 |
M |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
tioJnlId |
Transaction ID |
String |
21 |
M |
SUNRATE transaction ID |
2. |
txnCcy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
txnAmt |
Amount |
String |
15,2 |
M |
4. |
txnType |
Type |
String |
2 |
M |
00 – Transfer in |
5. |
txnDesc |
Description |
String |
128 |
M |
6. |
txnStatus |
Status |
String |
1 |
M |
9 - Processing, 0 - Failed, 1 - Successful |
7. |
txnRemark |
Transaction Remark |
String |
255 |
M |
8. |
remark |
Remark |
String |
255 |
M |
9. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
O |
10. |
txnDate |
Transaction Date |
Date |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd |
11. |
createTime |
Creation Time |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
12. |
lastTime |
Last Updated Time |
Datetime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
Request Parameters
"header": {
"timeStamp": "2021-11-26T16:22:43.397",
"msgId": "1464147593092804609"
"outTradeNo": "1000000000000001",
"acctId": "95754185",
"ccy": "USD",
"amt": "10",
"remark": "API Transfer-Out"
Response Parameters
"header": {
"msgId": "1658784565189140481",
"code": "000000",
"msg": "Success",
"timeStamp": "2023-05-17T18:40:33.724"
"tioJnlId": "IO1658784561615593473",
"txnCcy": "USD",
"txnAmt": -10.00,
"txnType": "01",
"txnDesc": "Withdraw to Wallet",
"txnStatus": "1",
"txnRemark": "Success",
"remark": "API Transfer-Out",
"outTradeNo": "1000000000000001",
"txnDate": "2023-05-17",
"createTime": "2023-05-17T18:40:32.872",
"lastTime": "2023-05-17T18:40:33.631"
Query Transfer Status
Endpoint: /openapi/v1/transfer/ query
Lookup the status of Wallet Transfers
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
M |
Internal reference number within requestor’s system. |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter Name |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
tioJnlId |
Transaction ID |
String |
21 |
M |
SUNRATE transaction ID |
2. |
txnCcy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
txnAmt |
Amount |
String |
15,2 |
M |
4. |
txnType |
Type |
String |
2 |
M |
00 – Transfer in |
5. |
txnDesc |
Description |
String |
128 |
M |
6. |
txnStatus |
Status |
String |
1 |
M |
9 - Processing, 0 - Failed, 1 - Successful |
7. |
txnRemark |
Transaction Remark |
String |
255 |
M |
8. |
remark |
Remark |
String |
255 |
M |
9. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
O |
10. |
txnDate |
Transaction Date |
Date |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd |
11. |
createTime |
Creation Time |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
12. |
lastTime |
Last Updated Time |
Datetime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
Request Sample:
"header": {
"timeStamp": "2021-11-26T16:22:43.397",
"msgId": "1464147593092804609"
"outTradeNo": "1000000000000001"
Response Sample:
"header": {
"msgId": "1658785242049142785",
"code": "000000",
"msg": "Success",
"timeStamp": "2023-05-17T18:43:15.101"
"tioJnlId": "IO1658767925927985154",
"txnCcy": "HKD",
"txnAmt": 10.00,
"txnType": "00",
"txnDesc": "Deposit from Wallet",
"txnStatus": "1",
"txnRemark": "Success",
"remark": "Transfer-In",
"outTradeNo": "0000000000000000",
"txnDate": "2023-05-17",
"createTime": "2023-05-17T17:34:26.617",
"lastTime": "2023-05-17T17:34:28.76"
Issue Card
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Merchant request ID |
String |
32 |
M |
Unique to each card issuance request |
2. |
productCode |
Product code |
String |
8 |
M |
Please refer to configuration document. |
3. |
cardBin |
Card BIN |
String |
10 |
O |
Certain products support appointing for a specific BIN. A list of supported card BINs for a particular productCode can be retrieved via “Get card BINs for Card Product” endpoint. BIN will be allocated randomly for those card products if this field is omitted. |
3 |
cardUse |
Card Type |
String |
1 |
M |
S:Single-use M:Multiple-use |
4 |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
ISO 3-Letter Currency Code |
5 |
activateNow |
Activation Mode |
String |
1 |
O |
0: Card to be activated at a later date 1: Card activated immediately Default set as “1” |
6 |
activateDate |
Activation Date |
Date |
C |
Mandatory if “activateNow” is set to “0” Defaults to current date if “activateNow” is set to “1” |
7 |
expDate |
Expiry Date |
Date |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd dd has to be the the last day of the month. Card expiry date can range from: Earliest: One month later of issuance date Latest: Within 2 years of issuance date |
8 |
nickName |
Card Alias |
String |
32 |
O |
9 |
velocityControl |
Velocity Control Config |
Object |
O |
1. If not inputted, default configuration will apply. 2. Configuration must follow logic: Per Transaction Limit ≤ Daily Limit ≤ Monthly Limit ≤ Cumulative Limit For details, see velocityControl |
10 |
cardAmt |
Amount on Card |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
C |
Applicable for some card productCode, contact implementation manager for details |
12. |
extra1 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
13. |
extra2 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
14. |
extra3 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
15. |
createImage |
Image file |
String |
O |
0: Do not generate image 1: Generate image Defaults to “0” |
16. |
riskCtrl |
RIsk Control |
List |
O |
See riskCtrl |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Card order number |
String |
32 |
M |
Every card issued is assigned a unique order number. |
2. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
3. |
cardUse |
Card use type |
String |
1 |
M |
S:Single-use M:Multiple-use |
4. |
ccy |
currency |
String |
3 |
M |
5. |
cardNo |
Card No. |
String |
20 |
M |
Card number used for transactions. |
6. |
activateNow |
Activation Mode |
String |
1 |
O |
0: Card to be activated at a later date 1: Card activated immediately Default set as “1” |
7. |
activateDate |
Activation Date |
Date |
C |
Mandatory if “activateNow” is set to “0” Defaults to current date if “activateNow” is set to “1” |
8. |
expiry |
Valid thru date |
String |
5 |
M |
9. |
cvv |
cvv |
String |
3 |
M |
10. |
cardStatus |
Card Status |
String |
1 |
M |
0:Deactivated 1:Activated 2:Frozen 3:Expired 4:Locked 9: Inactive |
11. |
nickName |
Card alias |
String |
32 |
O |
12. |
createTime |
Date and time of creation |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
13. |
extra1 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
14. |
extra2 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
15. |
extra3 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
16. |
cardImage |
Image file |
String |
C |
Png format |
Request Sample:
{ "outTradeNo": "V2023011520545791400Me10000001", "productCode": "00000000", "cardUse": "M", "ccy": "USD", "expDate": "2023-05-31", "nickName": "abc", "velocityControl": { "perTransactionLimit": { "txnMaxAmt": 999999, "txnMinAmt": 1 }, "velocityList": [ { "period": "D", "maxTrans": 10, "cumulativeAmt": 50000 }, { "period": "C", "maxTrans": 100, "cumulativeAmt": 100000000 } ] }, "riskCtrl": [ { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnCcy", "action": "deny", "list": [ "PHP", "GIP", "GBP" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnDate", "action": "deny", "list": [ "2024-05-01", "2024-05-20" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnTime", "action": "deny", "list": [ "08:00:00", "20:00:00" ] }
Response Sample:
{ "cvv": "123", "cardUse": "M", "createTime": "2023-04-28T11:20:51.745", "nickName": "abc", "outTradeNo": "V2023011520545791400Me10000001", "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "ccy": "USD", "expiry": "06/23", "cardNo": "0000000000000000", "cardStatus": "1"}
Query Card Information
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Card Order No. |
String |
32 |
C |
Either outTradeNo or cardId should be present |
2. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
C |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
outTradeNo |
Card order number |
String |
32 |
M |
2. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
3. |
cardUse |
Card Type |
String |
1 |
M |
S:Single-use M:Multiple-use |
4. |
ccy |
Currency Type |
String |
3 |
M |
5. |
activateNow |
Activation Mode |
String |
1 |
O |
0: Card to be activated at a later date 1: Card activated immediately Default set as “1” |
6. |
activateDate |
Activation Date |
Date |
O |
7. |
cardStatus |
Card Status |
String |
1 |
M |
0:Deactivated 1:Activated 2:Frozen 3:Expired 4: Locked 9: Inactive |
8. |
nickName |
Card Alias / Nickname |
String |
32 |
C |
9. |
velocityControl |
Card Limit |
Object |
C |
For details, see velocityControl |
10. |
velocityUsedList |
Velocity Control Used |
List |
M |
For details, see velocityList |
11. |
createTime |
Date and time of creation |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
12. |
extra1 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
13. |
extra2 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
14. |
extra3 |
Additional information |
String |
32 |
O |
15. |
riskCtrl |
RIsk Control |
List |
O |
See riskCtrl |
Request Sample
{"outTradeNo": "V2023011520545791400Me10000001","cardId": "1651788535293970000"}
Response Sample
{ "outTradeNo": "V2023011520545791400Me10000001", "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "cardUse": "M", "ccy": "USD", "cardStatus": "1", "nickName": "abc", "velocityControl": { "perTransactionLimit": { "txnMaxAmt": 999999, "txnMinAmt": 1 }, "velocityList": [ { "period": "D", "maxTrans": 10, "cumulativeAmt": 50000 }, { "period": "C", "maxTrans": 100, "cumulativeAmt": 100000000 } ] }, "velocityUsedList": [ { "period": "D", "maxTrans": 0, "cumulativeAmt": 0 }, { "period": "C", "maxTrans": 1, "cumulativeAmt": 30 } ], "riskCtrl": [ { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnCcy", "action": "deny", "list": [ "PHP", "GIP" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnDate", "action": "deny", "list": [ "2024-05-01", "2024-05-20" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnTime", "action": "deny", "list": [ "08:00:00", "20:00:00" ] } ], "createTime": "2023-04-28T11:15:03.527"}
Query Card Sensitive Information
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardNo |
Card Number |
String |
20 |
M |
Full PAN information |
2. |
cvv |
String |
3 |
M |
3. |
expiry |
Expiry |
String |
5 |
M |
Request Sample
{"cardId": "1651788535293970000"}
Response Sample
{ "cvv": "123", "expiry": "06/23", "cardNo": "0000000000000000" }
Update Card Limit
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
2. |
velocityControl |
Card limit |
Object |
M |
For details, see velocityControl (3.31) |
3. |
riskCtrl |
RIsk Control |
List |
O |
See riskCtrl |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
2. |
velocityControl |
Card limit |
Object |
M |
For details, see velocityControl (3.31) |
Request Sample
{ "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "velocityControl": { "perTransactionLimit": { "txnMaxAmt": 100000, "txnMinAmt": 5 }, "velocityList": [ { "period": "D", "maxTrans": 1, "cumulativeAmt": 1000 }, { "period": "C", "maxTrans": 100, "cumulativeAmt": 100000000 } ] }, "riskCtrl": [ { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnCcy", "action": "deny", "list": [ "PHP", "GIP" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnDate", "action": "deny", "list": [ "2024-05-01", "2024-05-20" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnTime", "action": "deny", "list": [ "08:00:00", "20:00:00" ] } ]}
Response Sample
{ "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "velocityControl": { "perTransactionLimit": { "txnMaxAmt": 100000, "txnMinAmt": 5 }, "velocityList": [ { "period": "D", "maxTrans": 1, "cumulativeAmt": 1000 }, { "period": "C", "maxTrans": 100, "cumulativeAmt": 100000000 } ] }, "riskCtrl": [ { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnCcy", "action": "deny", "list": [ "PHP", "GIP" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnDate", "action": "deny", "list": [ "2024-05-01", "2024-05-20" ] }, { "created": "2024-03-27T10:31:19.319", "name": "txnTime", "action": "deny", "list": [ "08:00:00", "20:00:00" ] } ]}
Update Card Status
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
2. |
cardStatus |
Card status |
String |
1 |
M |
0:Deactivated 1:Activated 2:Frozen |
3. |
remark |
Additional remarks |
String |
128 |
O |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
2. |
cardStatus |
Card status |
String |
1 |
M |
0:Deactivated 1:Activated 2:Frozen 3:Expired 4:Locked |
GET Card Authorization Record
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
C |
2. |
txnDateStart |
Transaction Date - Start |
Date |
C |
yyyy-MM-dd When card ID is not present, transaction date is mandatory. Transaction Date-Start and Transaction Date-End must be of the same date |
3. |
txnDateEnd |
Transaction Date - End |
Date |
C |
yyyy-MM-dd When card ID is not present, transaction date is mandatory. Transaction Date-Start and Transaction Date-End must be of the same date |
4. |
pageInfo |
Page Information |
Object |
M |
{ "current": "1", "size": "100" } |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
List of results |
List |
M |
Refer to “list” for details |
2. |
pageInfo |
Page Information |
Object |
M |
{ "current": "1", "size": "100", "total": "1000" } |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
Transaction ID |
String |
20 |
M |
2. |
originTxnId |
Original transaction ID |
String |
20 |
C |
Original transaction ID used in the event of a reversal |
3. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
4. |
txnType |
Transaction Type |
String |
1 |
M |
A:Authorization D:Reversal |
5. |
txnStatus |
Transaction Status |
String |
1 |
M |
0:Failed 1:Success |
6. |
txnCcy |
Transaction Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
7. |
txnAmt |
Transaction Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
8. |
billCcy |
Bill Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
9. |
billAmt |
Bill Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
10. |
merchName |
Merchant Name |
String |
128 |
M |
11. |
merchantCtry |
Merchant Country |
String |
3 |
M |
3-digit ISO Standard Country Code |
12. |
mcc |
Merchant Category Code |
String |
128 |
M |
13. |
rspCode |
Response Code |
String |
2 |
M |
See appendix C |
14. |
declineReason |
Reason for decline |
String |
128 |
C |
15. |
authCode |
Authorization Code |
String |
6 |
C |
16. |
txnTime |
Transaction Time |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
17. |
clearingDate |
Clearing Date |
DateTime |
C |
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Request Sample:
{ "txnDateStart": "2023-04-24", "txnDateEnd": "2023-04-24", "pageInfo": { "current": 1, "size": 10 }}
Response Sample:
{ "list": [ { "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "txnId": "A1650337673904330000", "originTxnId": null, "txnType": "A", "txnStatus": "1", "txnCcy": "GBP", "txnAmt": 56.33, "billCcy": "USD", "billAmt": 58.09, "merchName": "Department Store Vegas NV", "merchCtry": "GBR", "mcc": "0780 Landscaping and horticultural services", "rspCode": "00", "declineReason": null, "txnTime": "2023-04-24T11:23:24.015", "clearingDate": "2023-04-24" }, { "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "txnId": "A1650337673904330001", "originTxnId": "A1628643391916802049", "txnType": "D", "txnStatus": "1", "txnCcy": "USD", "txnAmt": -5, "billCcy": "USD", "billAmt": -5, "merchName": "PAYPAL", "merchCtry": "GBR", "mcc": "5999 Miscellaneous Specialty Retail", "rspCode": "00", "declineReason": null, "txnTime": "2023-04-24T11:15:37.987", "clearingDate": null } ], "pageInfo": { "total": 2, "size": 10, "current": 1 }}
GET Clearing Record
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
CardID |
String |
19 |
C |
2. |
txnDateStart |
Transaction Clearing Date - Start |
Date |
C |
yyyy-MM-dd When card ID is not present, transaction date is mandatory. Transaction Date-Start and Transaction Date-End must be of the same date |
3. |
txnDateEnd |
Transaction Clearing Date - End |
Date |
C |
yyyy-MM-dd When card ID is not present, transaction date is mandatory. Transaction Date-Start and Transaction Date-End must be of the same date |
4. |
pageInfo |
Page Information |
Object |
M |
{ "current": "1", "size": "100" } |
Response Parameter
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
List of results |
List |
M |
See list |
2. |
pageInfo |
Page Information |
Object |
M |
{ "current": "1", "size": "100", "total": "1000" } |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
Transaction ID |
String |
20 |
M |
2. |
authTxnId |
Corresponding Authorization ID |
String |
20 |
M |
3. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
4. |
txnType |
Transaction Type |
String |
1 |
M |
C:Expense R:Refund |
5. |
txnCcy |
Transaction Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
6. |
txnAmt |
Transaction Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
7. |
billCcy |
Bill Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
8. |
billAmt |
Bill Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
9. |
merchName |
Merchant Name |
String |
128 |
M |
10. |
merchantCtry |
Merchant Country |
String |
3 |
M |
3-digit ISO Country Code |
11. |
mcc |
Merchant Category Code |
String |
128 |
M |
12. |
authCode |
Authorization Code |
String |
6 |
C |
13. |
arn |
String |
23 |
C |
14. |
clearingDate |
Clearing Date |
DateTime |
M |
Request Sample
{ "txnDateStart": "2023-03-20", "txnDateEnd": "2023-03-20", "pageInfo": { "current": 1, "size": 10 }}
Response Sample
{ "list": [ { "cardId": "1628587609561490000", "txnId": "F1637755936363580000", "authTxnId": null, "txnType": "R", "txnCcy": "USD", "txnAmt": -15.22, "billCcy": "HKD", "billAmt": -119.77, "merchName": "RYANAIR PHZ0", "merchCtry": "GBR", "mcc": "3246 RYANAIR", "clearingDate": "2023-03-20" }, { "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "txnId": "F1637728540629794818", "authTxnId": "A1650337673904330000", "txnType": "C", "txnCcy": "GBP", "txnAmt": 56.33, "billCcy": "USD", "billAmt": 58.09, "merchName": "Department Store Vegas NV", "mcc": "0780 Landscaping and horticultural services", "clearingDate": "2023-03-20" } ], "pageInfo": { "total": 2, "size": 10, "current": 1 }}
GET Card BINs for Card Product
*Not used for “E” series products
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
list |
Results list |
List |
M |
See list |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
productCode |
Product code |
String |
8 |
M |
Product code |
2. |
cardUse |
Card use type |
String |
1 |
M |
S:Single-use M:Multiple-use |
3. |
ccy |
Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
3-digit standard ISO currency code |
4. |
cardBinList |
List of card BINs |
List<String> |
M |
Response Sample
{ "list": [ { "productCode": "xxx", "cardUse": "M", "ccy": "USD", "cardBinList": [ "51250kkkk" ] }, { "productCode": "xxx", "cardUse": "M", "ccy": "USD", "cardBinList": [ "40854kkkk", "41207kkkk" ] } ]}
Activate Card
Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
2. |
cardStatus |
Card Status |
String |
1 |
M |
1: Activated |
Request Sample
{"cardId": "1651788535293970000"}
Request Sample
{ "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "cardStatus": "1"}
2.3 Element And Attributes
2.3.1 velocityControl
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
perTransactionLimit |
Per Transaction Limit |
Object |
O |
For details, see perTransactionLimit |
2. |
velocityList |
Velocity Control List |
List |
O |
For details, see velocityList |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
txnMinAmt |
Minimum Amount per Transaction |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
O |
2. |
txnMaxAmt |
Maximum Amount per Transaction |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
C |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
period |
Period param |
String |
1 |
C |
D:Daily M:Monthly C:Cumulative |
2. |
maxTrans |
Maximum No. of Transactions |
Integer |
10 |
C |
Maximum numbrt of transactions that can be accepted with the card within the period |
3. |
cumulativeAmt |
Cumulative Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
C |
Maximum cumulative amount that can be used with the card within the period |
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
name |
Risk Contrrol |
String |
10 |
M |
txnCcy: Transaction currency txnMcc: MCC txnCountry: Merchant Country txnMerchId: Merchant ID txnDate: Transaction Date txnTime: Transaction Time |
2. |
action |
Action Type |
String |
10 |
M |
allow: Allow list deny: Deny list |
3. |
list |
Control List |
List |
M |
List <String> When setting risk controls with txnDate or txnTime, set the start date and end date and then first and second position of the array. e.g., [“start date” , “end date”] |
4. |
created |
Creation Time |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
2.4 Webhook Notifications
Notification Request Headers
Parameter Name |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Details |
msgId |
String |
21 |
M |
messageId, the request message ID |
timestamp |
String |
23 |
M |
Timestamp of request,formatted as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS" For example, 2008-08-08T08:08:08.888 |
key |
String |
16 |
M |
Private key value of 16-digit AES after encryption. The 16-digit AES key is to be generated randomly by merchant. |
sign |
String |
M |
Signature value |
requestBody |
String |
M |
Encrypted request body. Note: format the request in JSON before encryption. No restriction on max. length |
Notification Response Headers
Parameter Name |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Details |
msgId |
String |
21 |
M |
messageId, the request message ID |
code |
String |
6 |
M |
Response Code “000000” signifies a successful request |
msg |
String |
128 |
M |
Response Code description |
timestamp |
String |
23 |
M |
Timestamp of request,formatted as "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS" For example, 2008-08-08T08:08:08.888 |
Authorization Record Notification
SUNRATE will PUSH authorization records to client’s notification URL. HTTPS Port 443 must be used.
Callback URL: url/callBack/cardAuth
Notification Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
Transaction ID |
String |
20 |
M |
2. |
originTxnId |
Original transaction ID |
String |
20 |
C |
Original transaction ID used in the event of a reversal |
3. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
4. |
txnType |
Transaction Type |
String |
1 |
M |
A:Authorization D:Reversal |
5. |
txnStatus |
Transaction Status |
String |
1 |
M |
0:Failed 1:Success |
6. |
txnCcy |
Transaction Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
7. |
txnAmt |
Transaction Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
8. |
billCcy |
Bill Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
9. |
billAmt |
Bill Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
10. |
merchName |
Merchant Name |
String |
128 |
M |
11. |
merchantCtry |
Merchant Country |
String |
3 |
M |
3-digit ISO Standard Country Code |
12. |
mcc |
Merchant Category Code |
String |
128 |
M |
13. |
rspCode |
Response Code |
String |
2 |
M |
See appendix C |
14. |
declineReason |
Reason for decline |
String |
128 |
C |
15. |
authCode |
Authorization Code |
String |
6 |
C |
16. |
txnTime |
Transaction Time |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
17. |
clearingDate |
Clearing Date |
DateTime |
C |
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
msgId |
Response messageID |
String |
21 |
M |
2. |
code |
Status Code |
String |
6 |
M |
000000 - Success |
3. |
msg |
Description |
String |
32 |
M |
success |
4. |
timestamp |
Timestamp |
DateTime |
M |
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Request Sample:
{ "cardId": "1651788535293970000", "txnId": "A1650337673904330000", "originTxnId": null, "txnType": "A", "txnStatus": "1", "txnCcy": "GBP", "txnAmt": 56.33, "billCcy": "USD", "billAmt": 58.09, "merchName": "Department Store Vegas NV", "merchCtry": "NV", "mcc": "0780 Landscaping and horticultural services", "rspCode": "00", "declineReason": null, "txnTime": "2023-04-24T11:23:24.015", "clearingDate": "2023-04-24"}
Response Sample:
{ "msgId": "123456789", "code": "000000", "msg": "success", "timestamp": "2023-04-24T11:23:24.015"}
Clearing Record Notification
SUNRATE will PUSH clearing records to client’s notification URL. HTTPS Port 443 must be used.
Callback URL: url/callBack/cardClearing
Notification Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Details |
Type |
Max Length |
Label |
Remarks |
1. |
txnId |
Transaction ID |
String |
20 |
M |
15. |
authTxnId |
Corresponding Authorization ID |
String |
20 |
M |
16. |
cardId |
Card ID |
String |
19 |
M |
17. |
txnType |
Transaction Type |
String |
1 |
M |
C:Expense R:Refund |
18. |
txnCcy |
Transaction Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
19. |
txnAmt |
Transaction Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
20. |
billCcy |
Bill Currency |
String |
3 |
M |
21. |
billAmt |
Bill Amount |
BigDecimal |
15,2 |
M |
22. |
merchName |
Merchant Name |
String |
128 |
M |
23. |
merchantCtry |
Merchant Country |
String |
3 |
M |
3-digit ISO Country Code |
24. |
mcc |
Merchant Category Code |
String |
128 |
M |
25. |
authCode |
Authorization Code |
String |
6 |
C |
26. |
arn |
String |
23 |
C |
27. |
clearingDate |
Clearing Date |
DateTime |
M |
Request Sample:
{ "cardId": "1628587609561490000", "txnId": "F1637755936363580000", "authTxnId": null, "txnType": "R", "txnCcy": "USD", "txnAmt": -15.22, "billCcy": "HKD", "billAmt": -119.77, "merchName": "RYANAIR PHZ0", "merchCtry": "GBR", "mcc": "3246 RYANAIR", "clearingDate": "2023-03-20"}
Response Sample:
{ "msgId": "123456789", "code": "000000", "msg": "success", "timestamp": "2023-04-24T11:23:24.015"}
API Documentation - Reporting
This suite of APIs can be used to retrieve account statement for reconciliation.
3.1 Query balance(Client-> SUNRATE)
3.1.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
curId |
String |
3 |
O |
Currency code for currency |
3.1.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Remarks |
Array |
1. |
curId |
String |
char(3) |
Currency code |
2. |
currBal |
Number |
15,2 |
Total balance of the currency, equal to sum of availableBal and frozenBal |
3. |
availableBal |
Number |
15,2 |
Available balance of the currency for transaction creation |
4. |
frozenBal |
Number |
15,2 |
Frozen balance of the currency due to transaction(s) created |
3.2 Query statement(Client-> SUNRATE)
3.2.1 Request Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
curId |
String |
3 |
O |
Currency code for currency |
2. |
startDate |
Date |
10 |
O |
Date after which transaction is created |
3. |
endDate |
Date |
10 |
O |
Date before which transaction is created |
4. |
start |
String |
M |
Start position of records queried, equal to (page number to query-1) * limit |
5. |
limit |
String |
M |
Count of records per page. Ranges from 1 to 100. Default to 20 if not provided |
3.2.2 Response Parameters
No. |
Parameter |
Type |
Length |
Required/Optional |
Remarks |
1. |
orgCode |
String |
18 |
M |
Business registration number of client |
2. |
acctId |
String |
8 |
M |
Unique 8-digit user account identifier |
3. |
curId |
String |
char(3) |
M |
Currency of balance change |
4. |
txnAmt |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Used to specify type of change in balance, possible values: +, - |
5. |
initBal |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Balance before transaction |
6. |
closeBal |
Number |
15,2 |
M |
Balance after transaction |
7. |
refNo |
String |
18 |
M |
Unique identifier of balance change |
8. |
txnType |
String |
4 |
M |
Used to specify type of transaction that incurs balance change |
9. |
remark |
String |
100 |
O |
Used to describe details of transaction |
10. |
sysTxnDate |
String |
10 |
M |
Date of balance change |
10. |
totalCounts |
Number |
M |
Count of total records queried |
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